You searched for: "landscape"
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We've been having some stunning weather here in South Florida, and I recently took advantage of it with a trip to a local wetland preserve for some bird photography. As I was leaving for the day, I came across a particularly pretty scene: ibises and wood storks flying and landing on tree branches...
Photography is an evolving journey, and with new tools and techniques, it’s easy to find yourself needing to adapt. For me, moving to Florida two and a half years ago shifted my focus from landscapes to bird photography. This genre demands fast and efficient workflows, especially with the high-pe...
Well, here we are on the very last day of 2024. For some people, the change from December to January is just like any other month throughout the year, and I get that to some extent. However, I also appreciate the symbolism of turning over into a new year with all of the possibilities, challenges,...
Reflections can be a blessing or a curse for photographers. Often times, I strive to get reflections when photographing landscapes with a large body of water in the foreground. However, there are times when reflections can detract from a photo, as well. Whether you’re shooting through a window in...
As much as I enjoy exploring Lightroom’s latest features and techniques, sometimes the most satisfying part of photo editing is simply walking through an entire workflow from start to finish. In this article (and video), I’m diving into the decisions I made both in the field and during post-proce...
As photographers, we often develop routines in our editing workflows. We find what works and tend to stick with it, whether it's a favorite preset or a familiar way to use the point curve tool. However, it’s important to remember that tools like Lightroom offer multiple ways to achieve desired re...