The near-ubiquity and constant evolution of digital cameras have opened up our ability to create beautiful images in just about any condition possible. We capture every moment of our lives and share i...
The goal of landscape photography is to capture the beauty of the natural world and the great outdoors. It's about capturing the essence of a particular location, whether it's a mountain range, a beac...
Let me start with a funny story while chatting with a USAA rep who was helping me update the business insurance for my photography business. We were discussing the coverage that I’d need for my comput...
In all my years of practicing photography, I can't recall of a single time when I took a photo that I was genuinely excited about and said, "Yeah, I'm not going to share that with anyone." In fact, I ...
I remember the first time I flew a drone. It was an old DJI Phantom 2 Vision with a modest 1/2.3" sensor capable of filming at 1080p resolution and capturing 14 megapixel images. When you look at the ...
I recently went on a drive to enjoy the beautiful weather up here in northern Idaho. Surprisingly, there were still plenty of trees with colorful leaves still hanging on, so I thought it'd be a great ...