Avoid These Five Common Landscape Photography Traps

I'm pretty sure that there has never been a time when I'd begin a landscape shoot with the mindset of, "My goal is to get a bunch of boring photos today." And, I'm just as sure that you never had such thoughts either. Yet, here we are... or, at least, here I am with a catalog full of all sorts of boring landscape photos. 😅
Sure, there are some genuine keepers in the mix, but I don't think I want to know what that ratio is at the moment. The truth is that there are all sorts of traps that photographers constantly fall into whether we like it or not. Sometimes, it's due to a lack of mental focus or a drain of inspiration. Other times, it's just because we don't know that a trap is actually a trap until well after we've walked into it.
Fortunately, none of these traps are permanent in that once you learn from them, you can be that much more skilled at avoiding them the next time you head out with your camera. So, give this video a viewing and see which five traps I've laid out for you. Better yet, spend time thinking about how you can avoid them yourself.
And while you're at it, I'd LOVE to ask a favor: if you enjoy what you see, please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel and click the 🔔 icon to be notified of all future videos and live shows. It really helps me out and is a super easy way to support the channel. Thanks so much!
Also, you may notice that at the end of the video, I point to two other videos that you may want to watch. In some cases, they may not appear in the video. So, here are direct links to those videos that I mention:
👉 5 more tips to get better photos
👉 Understanding the Tone Curve in Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop